Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Marching to the beat of a dead horse

In terms of animation dealing with positive and negative space, this video doesn't have too much but when it does it really hits it home. This is one of my favorite videos of all time also. I saw it as a kid on MTV when they actually played music and have loved it ever sense.

this video is definitely worth checking out. Some pretty sick animation work so if you get a chance to actually see it then I highly recommend it.

this is a pretty interesting one. Deals with planes in a more collagey kinda way, but it still breaks them down none the less.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I think I spend probably 50% of my free time looking at artists and trying to find new work that I enjoy. Among the many artists I look at daily, I think one of my favorites would have to be Florian Bertmer, an illustrator whose use of contrast in certain pieces is perfect.

Contrasts is one of those aspects of art that is constantly preached, and for good reason, however one of my all time favorite artists avoids contrast in certain ways. Takato Yamamoto has some of the most intricate work I have ever seen without having to use any hard contrasts, just negative and positive spaces. I w
ould give my left lung to own a piece of his.
Lastly, I thought I would add in this game that I think is beautifully rendered. Some really great silhouette work.

Monday, February 1, 2010


Everyone needs to take 15 minutes to watch this video. There is something about it that is quite inspiring, especially if you are a fan of mythbusters/Adam Savage.